Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What has helped my Social Anxiety?

Please order above package before you try these techniques if you want to cure your Social Anxiety 99%.

I had Social Anxiety Disorder for ten years before I really had control over it. There were definite strategies that helped me overcome my social anxiety, some which seem counter-intuitive. Here is a small list of methods that helped me overcome my fears.

1.) Sobriety:  Living a sober life...No more drinking and no more smoking...This was very difficult to do but after I got past the first 2 weeks I immediately felt more confident...This will help you attack this disorder with a clear head!

2.) Physical Exercise:  Exercise 3 times a week at least. I am a male and I incorporated heavy weight lifting and cardio. Work out early in the day if you can...Releases stress and anxiety.

3.) Outlook:  Change your doom and gloom negative thinking into a more grateful and positive approach. Love who you are and love the people around you.

4.) Exposure:  Last but not least, this is a big one that may be scary to some people.  Participate in as many social situations as possible...I call this the "exposure" phase. Even if ts just saying hello to a stranger you pass or joining in a conversation you normally wouldn't join, you'd be surprised how much this works.  This can be painful as heck but the more you do it the better you feel. Expose yourself as much a you can, even if its really uncomfortable. You will get to the point that social interactions aren't a big deal.

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