Thursday, January 31, 2013

Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness

Overcoming social anxiety and shyness is exactly what I did.  The good news for you is that you CAN do the same with some of the simple techniques you find on this blog.  Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness starts with the way you think.  Once you are in the right mindset you are ready to attack this beast.  Here are some steps you can implement today to help overcome this painful and paralyzing disorder.    

Step 1- Positive Thinking:  Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness is almost entirely a mind game.  People with social anxiety disorder tend to over think and over-analyze every social interaction they have with someone.  You have to adopt an “I don’t care” type of attitude.  From this day forward don’t be so focused on what you are saying and doing.  Focus more on what other people are saying and doing.  Make mistakes.  Yes you read that right MAKE MISTAKES!  Don’t be afraid to fail.  Failing is what makes us stronger.  People with social anxiety are so worried about doing or saying the wrong thing.  You need to have a more care-free attitude in order to over come this.  Put Step 1 into action tomorrow and see how you do.

Step 2- Exposure:  Participate in as many social situations as possible...I call this the "exposure" phase. Even if it’s just saying hello to a stranger you pass on the street or joining in a conversation you normally wouldn't join, you'd be surprised how much this works.  This can be very uncomfortable, but the more uncomfortable the closer you are to curing your anxiety.  Do this as much as you can throughout the day for the next 3 months.  It will shock you how comfortable you begin to feel around people.  You will get to the point where social interactions aren't such a big deal.

Step 3-Take Care of Yourself:  This means both physically and mentally.  Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness has to do with how you feel about yourself.  Exercise 3 to 4 days a week.  Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.  “When you look good you feel good.”  Also do things you are passionate about to free your mind.  I like to play golf whenever I find myself over thinking things.  Find something to do where you can get away for a while whether that’s reading, playing guitar, photography, taking a walk etc.  You will be shocked at how refreshed you become after doing something you love.  

Work on these steps every day from here on out and you are well on your way to overcoming social anxiety and shyness.  If you are still struggling make sure to check out my Helpful Blogs that will guarantee you success in defeating this paralyzing disorder.    

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